“Big Data” and Intelligence for Your Business

“Big Data” and Intelligence for Your Business
Information means power – to be a step ahead of others and to have a possibility to make a correct decision on the date and place.

Our current lifetime is symbolized by an explosion of amount of information in our working life as well as at home.

Information means power – to be a step ahead of others and to have a possibility to make a correct decision on the date and place. This creates an advantage in one's personal and professional life.

There are several causes for high rate of information volume increase and they can be summarized as following:

  • Better general education level, supporting the ability to reveal human potential
  • Spreading and increase of internet all around the world creating an information distribution network that supports innovation exchange
  • Globalization and free market environment that enable to create content in an easy and cost-effective way and connect new users into the global network
  • Increased number of inteconnected devices and equipment using IP protocol that can collect and dispatch useful data in automated way
  • Demand to be connected "anytime, anywhere, anyhow" that also supports mobility trends

This trend can be generally described as increase of interactions between people, things, information and processes, as defined for example by Cisco systems (Internet of Everything).

We think that this tendency will continue in future and therefore we prepare services for our customers that respect and use the value in relevant and suitable information for the business.

The solutions Indoor Navigation with Business Intelligence can record the information about movement of clients through the building based on location, time, device and other context and thus enable to evaluate client behavior and generate helpful information for them.

Other solutions that use great volumes of information and their effective processing for mobile devices are mobile business applications. They can change mobile devices as smartphones and tablets into movable virtual office.

If You are interested in some of the above described solutions, we will be glad to assist You with integration in Your company.

Karol Mareš
Co-owner, Technology & Strategy